Holzforschung Austria (formerly Austrian Wood Research Institute) was established in 1953 upon the request of the Austrian Timber Industry. We are the largest and oldest research and testing facility for wood in Austria. Commercially oriented, we offer the full range services to the wood field. Summarised in the mission statement are the goals, strategies and values of the non-profit organisation. Our mission statement serves not only as a means of communication with our customers but also as a guideline to all our staff members.
Research and Development – Testing and Monitoring – Knowledge transfer
Holzforschung Austria is an applied, independent research institute, which is accredited for testing and inspection of wood products and their respective manufacturing processes. Our tasks and responsibilities are to strengthen the innovation of the wood field through research and development, to provide quality assurance for our customers through testing and company surveillance and know-how-transfer in the wood field. We are aiming to assume a leadership role in science and technology in Austria.
Customer Benefits
Extensive services provided - interdisciplinary solutions
As a modern service enterprise we design our services to maximize customer benefit . Our extensive range of services is directed towards industrial businesses as well as small and mediums-sized enterprises. Our strength lies in the development of complete interdisciplinary solutions. It is of highest priority to us to provide services in the manner and within the timeframe agreed upon.
Qualified employees – modern technical equipment
Our employees form the basis of our success. Highly qualified personnel who are supported by modern technical facilities are our foundation. We ensure the expertise of our personnel through continuing training and cooperation as well as through our demanding and manifold research and testing activities.
Confidential - independent
With the help of our quality management system we assess and improve our services continually. Information is handled in a confidential manner. Customers and partners hold us in high esteem due to our expertise and independence.
National and international
Research and development as well as modern testing services necessitate a cooperative method of operation, thus we are open to national and international cooperations and we actively look for partners to address specific topics.
Strengthen our leading position – offer new services
We would like to strengthen our position as the leading research, inspection and testing laboratory for the Austrian wood industry and consolidate our position among the leaders within the European competition. While testing and inspection as well as research and development remain our primary fields of activities, we also work to establish services with a promising future. Traditionally, we are concerned with the current problems pertaining to the forest and wood industries; however we simultaneously address future developments and search for possible solutions. As a result, Holzforschung Austria seeks to strengthen its competitive position sectorially as well as geographically.