Holzforschung Austria
Austrian Forest Products Research Society

As a not-for-profit research institute, we support the interests of the timber industry and make an important contribution to the sustainable development of our society through research, testing, and certification, as well as through knowledge transfer. Holzforschung Austria - Austrian Forest Products Research Society fulfils these essential tasks in close cooperation with industry and science.


Not-for-profit association for wood research

Holzforschung Austria – Austrian Forest Products Research Society (HFA-ÖGH) was founded in 1948 and is a not-for-profit association created by a private initiative under Austrian association law (ZVR 850936522). Members include companies, institutions, and individuals from the entire forestry sector and timber industry.

Cooperative research institute

With the support of the woodworking industry, the cooperative wood research institute, well known today under the name Holzforschung Austria, could already be opened in 1953. The central laboratory which encompasses all disciplines was designed to collaborate closely with industry and the timber industry. From the outset, the main purpose has been the research and development of innovative products.

Reliable partner for industry and science

In cooperation with partners from science and industry, Holzforschung Austria consolidates Austria's national and international position in the field of research and use of timber as a raw material and construction material. Our mission statement summarizes the values, goals and strategies of Holzforschung Austria.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is appointed by the general assembly for a period of three years. The members of the Steering Committee represent customers and partners along the entire value chain.

PD Dr. Gerhard Grüll

P:+43 1 798 26 23-61
E:Get in touch

Members of the Steering Committee (term of office 2023–2025)


DI Andreas Gruber (Österreichische Bundesforste AG)

Timber trade

Ing. F. Mühlbauer (Bundesgremium Baustoff-, Eisen- und Holzhandel)

Timber industry

F. Binder (Binderholz GmbH), DI (FH) A. Hajek (Wiesner-Hager Möbel GmbH), H. Handlos (Herbert Handlos Ges.m.b.H.), KommR F. Kirnbauer (Franz Kirnbauer KG), C. Kulterer (Hasslacher Holding GmbH), Mag. R. V. Mosser (Mosser Leimholz Ges.m.b.H.), Mag. G. C. Niedersüß (Griffnerhaus GmbH), Mag. F. Pichler (Benediktinerstift Admont), Mag. J. Offner (Johann Offner Holzindustrie Ges.m.b.H), M. Pfeifer (Pfeifer Holz GmbH & Co. KG), DI R. Rumplmayr (Donausäge Rumplmayr GmbH)

Woodworking industry

Ing. R. Böhm (Bundesinnung Holzbau), LIM KommR. Ing. H. Mitsch (Bundesinnung Tischler)

Paper industry

DI L. Arpa (Austropapier)

Chemical industry/trade

E. Schön (Synthesa Chemie Ges.m.b.H), Mag.ª M. Singer (Assanierungsgesellschaft Michael Singer Ges.m.b.H)


DI M. Höbarth (Landwirtschaftskammer Österreich), Mag. H. Sigmund, MSc. (Fachverband der Holzindustrie)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. W. Gindl-Altmutter (Boku Wien)

President/Vice President

President Mag. Georg C. Niedersüß

Vice President KommR. Ing. F. Kirnbauer

Certification Working Group

The Certification Working Group pays attention to the independence and impartiality of the certification body. In addition, it takes on tasks within the procedure for handling complaints and appeals, which relate to the activities of the conformity assessment bodies.

Members of the Working Group (term of office 2023–2025)

Certification Working Group

Dipl.-Ing. V. Findeis (Land&Forstbetriebe Österreich), DI (FH) R. Handl (FV der Holzindustrie/BG Sägeindustrie), Mag. (FH) D. Jank (Bundesinnung Tischler und Holzgestalter), Mag. S. Kolesar (Bundesgremium Baustoff-, Eisen- und Holzhandel), DI N. Müller
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