Building & Living

We provide more than 70 years of experience and the know-how of almost 100 qualified employees to answer your questions. Our expert’s reports approach your problem in a concrete and detailed manner and include an exact inspection and a fact-based report. Upon request, we also work out remedial proposals or, in the case of more complex issues, remedial concepts, and we accompany the remediation of construction defects.
We also prepare expert’s reports before damage occurs and thus support architects, building owners, specialist planners and executors in the planning process with regards to their specific questions.


Wood damage

The building damage analysis examines wooden structures such as roof trusses and wooden ceilings, walls and facades, windows and doors, carports and balconies for damage caused by wood-destroying organisms (fungi, insects) and suggests remedial measures. We determine the pest species, such as genuine dry rot, brown cellar rot, mould, blue-stain fungi, house longhorn beetle or death watch beetle and specify professional measures to combat them.

Timber construction

Buildings and their components are considered holistically with regard to the construction and execution, building shell and facade (wood and plaster systems), connection details and node designs. Construction damage resulting from defects in suitability and processing are analysed and evaluated, and remedial proposals are drawn up.

Building physics

Handling of all aspects of fire, heat, moisture and sound insulation, such as the formation of condensation in components, the air tightness of buildings or sound insulation in individual rooms.

Windows and doors

Assessment of the qualitative, constructive, and physical construction of wood, wood-aluminium, plastic and plastic-aluminium windows and doors including their installation. Special components such as burglar-resistant, fire protective, panic, escape doors, fittings and the like are also inspected.

Parquet, wooden floors, laminate, and patio coverings

The evaluation spectrum ranges from the determination of the type of wood to the quality of the wood, quality of adhesion, sealing, discoloration, formation of gaps and the like up to the quality of processing and installation.

Surface coatings

Product selection, processing, care, maintenance and renovation of paints, glazes, oils and waxes indoors and outdoors in all applications are dealt with.

Indoor air

The determination of e.g. formaldehyde, VOC, mould, dust, and air humidity are included in our professional spectrum.



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Contact persons

Wood damage

DI Florian Tscherne

P:+43 1 798 26 23-15
E:Get in touch

Timber construction

DI Sylvia Polleres

P:+43 1 798 26 23-67
E:Get in touch

Wood in outdoor areas

DI Claudia Koch

P:+43 1 798 26 23-64
E:Get in touch

Building physics

Dr. Bernd Nusser

P:+43 1 798 26 23-71
E:Get in touch

Windows / doors

Dr. Julia Bachinger

P:+43 1 798 26 23-63
E:Get in touch


Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Michael Truskaller

P:+43 1 798 26 23-26
E:Get in touch

Indoor air quality

Mag. Elisabeth Habla

P:+43 1 798 26 23-22
E:Get in touch

Detection and enumeration of moulds

Mag.a Notburga Pfabigan

P:+43 1 798 26 23-23
E:Get in touch

Our services

Online monitoring

Using electronic aids, buildings, rooms, or components are measured over longer periods of time and data is stored – only with the consent of all involved – as a basis for further calculations and evaluations.

Construction damage analysis

With the help of endoscopes as well as the measurement of drilling resistance and impact resistance to strikes, load-bearing wooden structures are examined and a possible rotting or insect infestation assessed by our specialists.

Remediation concepts

In the case of complex damage patterns and multifunctional causes of damage, detailed remediation concepts are developed for all involved trades.

Remediation support

In the event of difficult circumstances and the involvement of several crafts, we also support extensive remedial measures over longer periods.

Planning support

Even before damage occurs, we support architects, building owners, specialist planners, executives, etc. with our technical expertise.

Inspection at the construction site

Evaluation of building physics aspects such as condensation on insulating glass

The house longhorn beetle and other wood-destroying insects can infest wood used in construction

We also advise in the restoration of historical wooden floors with our wood technology knowledge

Historic roof construction

Assessments of wood in outdoor areas

Assessment and support for remediation in the event of fire damage – removal of the coal and soot layer, followed by measures against smell nuisance

Dowel beam ceiling in existing structures

Available infrastructure:

  • Endoscopes and drilling resistance measuring device (Resi PD300)
  • Wood moisture meters
  • Microscopy
  • Data logger
  • Sound measuring equipment
  • Dust measurement device
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