Chemistry laboratory

Our laboratory for chemical analysis helps with all environmental questions regarding the use of wood and renewable raw materials both indoors and outdoors, as well as in the manufacturing process. We enable the environmentally friendly design of products and processes. We support companies in research, product development, independent testing, and during the approval process. In process management, the focus is often on chemical components in the raw material, the process chemicals, and the sensory detection of these quantities.


Wide range of applications

The most common areas of work in the chemistry laboratory include the analysis and determination of:

  • Emissions from wood, wood-based materials, construction products and coatings
  • Biocides in wood preservatives, products coated or impregnated with them, wash-offs when used outdoors and waste wood
  • Chemical ingredients in waste wood, biogenic solid fuels, substrates, wood and renewable raw materials or soils
  • Process chemicals such as bleach, complexing agents or additives

Despite the wide range of the working fields in the chemistry laboratory, the raw materials, semi-finished products, and products are examined, developed, and researched as well. We thus provide our services along the entire value chain of wood and renewable raw materials, including their processing methods, as well as all accompanying materials in construction, furnishings, and outdoor use, right through to the end use of solid products and energy carriers.

Information sheet: Baustoff-Analysenlabor (BAL)

Information sheet: Baustoff-Analysenlabor (BAL) (pdf, 2 MB)

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Contact Persons

Dr. Martin Weigl-Kuska

P:+43 1 798 26 23-839
E:Get in touch

DI (FH) Christina Fürhapper

P:+43 1 798 26 23-52
E:Get in touch

Mag. Elisabeth Habla

P:+43 1 798 26 23-22
E:Get in touch

Our services


We determine emissions and active substances with HPLC or GC, with IC elements and low-molecular substances (N, P, S, F, Cl, formate, acetate). In addition to wood samples, we also measure substrates or fertilizers.


We use spectroscopic methods for the detection of formaldehyde, surface analysis of coatings and substrates, and for the determining inorganic gases such as ammonia from smoked wood.

Digestion and Extraction

Accurate sample preparation is most essential for chemical analytics. We digest samples via microwave or bomb calorimeter and perform extractions applying ASE, ultrasonic bath or wet chemical procedures.

Elemental analysis

We establish the basis for human toxicological assessments. With our methods, we determine CMR-substances, toxic substances and relevant sum parameter such as PAH. Limit or guide-line values (e.g. EU-LCI, WHO) and legal requirements (e.g. Austrian ChemikalienVerbotsV, formaldehyde regulation, Austrian Recyclingholzverordnung) provide the framework for this.

Human toxicology

We establish the basis for human toxicological assessments. Limit or guideline values (e.g. EU-LCI, WHO) and legal requirements (e.g. chemical ban, formaldehyde regulation) provide the framework for this.

Analysis of active ingredients in wood preservatives using HPLC

HPLC for the determination of VVOC, biocides and more

VOC analytics using TD-GC/MS

Determination of formaldehyde and VOC emissions in the test chamber

Ion chromatography for the determination of halogens, sulfur and complexing agents

Digestion of wood and floors using microwaves for analysis

ICP-OES for inorganic elemental analysis

Gas chromatographic analysis of VOC, biocides, and organic substances

Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for non-destructive material testing

Accelerated Solvent Extractor for gentle solvent extraction

Available infrastructure

  • Standard test chambers: inert, conditioned 0.225 m³ and 1 m³ chambers for formaldehyde and VOC emission analysis
  • Gas analysis: Weiss Technik, accelerated formaldehyde emission measurement
  • Perforator: Formaldehyde content based on toluene extraction
  • Photometer and UV-VIS spectral photometer: Dr. Lange and Analytik Jena including integrating sphere
  • Microwave digestion system: CEM MARS 6
  • ASE: Thermo Fisher Scientific, ASE 350, Accelerated Solvent Extractor for gentle solvent extraction
  • TD-GC/MS/ECD/FID: Markes / Agilent, Gas chromatography with thermal desorption unit, mass spectrometer, electron capture detector, flame ionization detector
  • TD-GC/MS/ECD/FID: Markes / Thermo Fisher Scientific, Gas chromatography with thermal desorption unit, mass spectrometer, electron capture detector, flame ionization detector
  • HPLC/DAD/RI: Thermo Fisher Scientific, High performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector, refractive index detector
  • IC/UV/CD: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ion chromatography with UV and conductivity detector
  • ICP-OES: Thermo Fisher Scientific, iCAP PRO XP Duo, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for inorganic elemental analysis
  • Mobile XRF: Spectro, Spectroscout, portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for non-destructive material testing
  • FTIR-ATR/DRIFT/Gasmesszelle: Perkin Elmer, Fourier transformation infrared spectrometer, attenuated total reflection and diffuse reflection for surfaces, multi-reflection cell for low-molecular gases
  • FLEC: CHEMATEC, Field- and Laboratory Emission-Cell for the localization of emissions in the object, apartment, house, or construction site, as well as a miniature emission chamber in test setups


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