We offer tests and simulations/calculations for good heat and moisture protection in timber construction. With thermal bridge calculations and hygrothermal simulations of components, we support planners and manufacturers of windows and doors in the development of robust solutions. We carry out airtightness measurements for individual products or components (laboratory testing) or entire buildings (Blower-Door-Test).
We have developed a unique test procedure for testing sub-roof systems that has already been recognized by many official bodies. We test sub-roofs for rainproofness, increased rainproofness, and walkability.
Product development / proof
We support our customers in product development and with tests for thermal insulation and moisture protection as part of proof of performance:
- We detect thermal bridges for window and door constructions and participate in the development of solutions.
- For sub-roof systems, we offer tests of rainproofness, increased rainproofness, nail tightness, and walkability. Our test procedure focuses on the entire sub-roof system with all connections and provides quality assurance for sub-roofs.
- We check the airtightness of component connections, building materials (e.g. OSB) or component structures in the laboratory.
Quality assurance / proof
We contribute to quality assurance in construction with tests during the shell construction and after the completion of buildings:
- We measure airtightness using the differential pressure measuring method (= Blower-Door-Test). For passive houses and buildings with ventilation systems, we certify the prescribed limit values for the air exchange rate n50 and carry out leak detection. In addition to thermal insulation, an airtight construction in timber construction also provides safety in terms of moisture protection because the penetration of indoor air into the component structure is reduced.
- We use thermal imaging to test the thermal insulation of buildings. Using a thermal imaging camera, we show thermal bridges and other problem areas.
Moisture protection – proof
We create the design of component structures with regard to moisture protection using the Glaser method or hygrothermal simulation. Depending on the complexity and the issue at hand, we select the appropriate procedure, prove the moisture protection, and help to find the solution. Our area of expertise is moisture protection and the forecast of the moisture behaviour of component structures using moisture-sensitive materials under real conditions (site climate, on-site shading and horizon). We also offer this for component joints using 2-dimensional hygrothermal simulations.
Thermal insulation – proof
Wooden buildings offer good thermal insulation because, in addition to the insulation materials, wood also has a low thermal conductivity. Nevertheless, some details need an accurate test: We calculate thermal bridges in structures, windows, and doors and support manufacturers and planners in developing solutions.
Contact persons
Our services
Thermal insulation calculations
- Calculations according to ÖNORM EN ISO 6946 (U-value), proof of operating temperature in summer according to ÖNORM B 8110-3, preparation of energy certificates.
- Calculation of thermal bridges according to ÖNORM EN ISO 10211, U-value of windows and doors according to ÖNORM EN ISO 10077-1 and 2.
Sub-roof testing
Nail tightness according to ÖNORM B 3647, rainproofness or increased rainproofness for membrane systems according to HFA test methods, for board systems (UDP-A) in accordance with the product data sheet for wood fibre underlay boards from ZVDH, as well as after preloading through a simulated hailstorm.
Quality assurance of the building shell, location of thermal bridges or leaks, also in combination with Blower-Door measuring device, expert activities
Blower-Door measurements
Proof of the airtightness of the building shell in accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 9972 and ÖNORM B 9972, leakage location and information on improvement potential, expert activities
Simplified proof of moisture protection
Design and evaluation according to ÖNORM B 8110-2.
Available infrastructure:
- Irrigation test bench (sub-roof tests)
- Large climatic chamber (aging tests)
- Double climatic chamber
- Laminar Master Flow (flow measurements, airtightness tests)
- Blower–Door measuring device
- Thermography camera
- Software: WUFI Pro, WUFI 2D, Meteonorm, Archiphysik, Flixo, WinIso2D